Terms & Conditions

1. These Terms & Conditions apply whether a contract has been made verbally, in writing, or other means. The hirer is responsible for the actions of all passengers on board. Any additional costs incurred in completing the contract are the responsibility of the hirer, whether they actually travel with the party or not.

2. All quotations are given subject to DRIVEU having a suitable vehicle and driver available at the time the hirer accepts the quotation. All quotations are given for both the minibus and a driver together. All quotations, unless otherwise stated, are valid for 7 days from date of issue. Verbal quotations unless booked at the time of quotation, are not binding. If you are not in the position to book immediately, we recommend that you request the quotation in writing

3. The hirer can not assume the use of the vehicle between outward and return journeys, nor that it will remain at the destination for the hirer’s use, unless this has been agreed with DRIVEU, we reserve the right to levy additional charges for any additional mileage, or time over and above that which was originally agreed. The charges will be pro-rata, in accordance with the booking confirmation. 

4. The maximum numbers allowed on the vehicle is indicated on the vehicle. No standing passengers allowed. Drivers WILL NOT carry any extra passengers that go over the seating capacity of the vehicle. In the event of additional passengers, you will need to pre-warn DRIVEU, who will then attempt to transport the additional passengers to the destination. This may be by using the same vehicle to do 2 or more runs or we may use additional vehicle/s as required, and if successful, the additional journey/s and/or vehicle/s, will be at the full cost to the hirer.

5. All bookings are for the number of passengers declared at the time of the booking. If the customer wants to add more passengers to their booking, they have to contact us to check availability. We reserve the right to substitute smaller vehicles with larger vehicles where necessary.

6. Animals will not be carried, with the exception of guide dogs.

7. Full fares must be paid in full at least 72 hours prior to the hire taking place, unless a deposit and payment on the day has be agreed by one of DRIVEU managers. If any outstanding money is due, DRIVEU reserves the right to take the outstanding amount at any time from the original credit/debit card, which the hirer first paid on. Any complaints or issues regarding payments must be made directly with DRIVEU and the hirer/s and/or credit card holder/s fully agree that a chargeback will not be raised on any credit or debit card issuing company with regards to any payment/s made for the use and care of the bus. If a charge is levied, then the hirer agrees to reinburse DRIVEU for the full hire amount along with any charge back fees incurred. 

8. All cancellations must be made in writing.

If the hirer wishes to cancel the hire 24 hours or later after making the booking, the deposit paid will be forfeited. DRIVEU may send the hirer a credit note for the amount paid, or we may reschedule the travel for a date of the hirer's choice. Cancellations 72 hours or less to the date of travel, the full fare will be forfeited. DRIVEU may agree to issue a credit note or reschedule the travel for a date of the hirer's choice, but this will be at the management's discretion and subject to availability. 

Once a credit or debit card has been given to DRIVEU, this will only be used for payments for the minibus hire and any additional charges that may have been incurred in the use of the minibus and driver, if applicable. DRIVEU does not ask for or accept any credit or debit card numbers for any other reason than to pay for the use of the minibus charges, including deposits, payments toward the fare costs, additional fare/s or other work requested in addition to the original journey schedule and soilage & cleaning costs if any of the passengers on the bus at the time of travel do soil the bus. DRIVEU Terms & Conditions can be found on our website, and copies can be requested by telephone.

9. In the event of an emergency or request by the hirer to vary the originally agreed conditions, DRIVEU reserves the right to return all monies paid, without further liability and cancel the contract. DRIVEU may not be able to supply alternative transport upon this cancellation. In this event, DRIVEU will endeavour to assist the hirer by supplying contact numbers for other minibus operators who may be able to provide replacement hire.

The hirer and passengers are highly recommended to have adequate travel insurance in the event of DRIVEU unforeseen cancellations, to cover any unforeseen travelling cost, expenses, and losses. Travel insurance is freely available from most Insurance providers and may also be included in some other insurance policies held or some financial accounts that charge a monthly fee and may include this type of cover.

10. DRIVEU may provide a larger vehicle than the size hired at no additional charge. DRIVEU reserves the right to subcontract to another minibus operator to cover the hire.

11. Unless the hirer has advised DRIVEU of a particular route or place/s to pass through on the journey, which DRIVEU will confirm on the booking confirmation email, then the route taken will be at the discretion of the company and/or the driver. The vehicle will depart at the times agreed with the hirer, and it is the responsibility of the hirer to account for all passengers at those times. The company will not accept liability for any losses incurred by the passengers who fail to follow instructions given by the hirer.

12. The journey times are the responsibility of the hirer/s. DRIVEU may offer advice on journey times, but this is given in good faith and does not guarantee the completion of a journey at a specific time. DRIVEU will NOT be liable for inconvenience or losses caused by leaving at the wrong time, breakdown, delay, or any unforeseen circumstances.

13. Driver working hours are regulated by law, and the hirer accepts the responsibly of ensuring the hire keeps to the hours and times agreed by DRIVEU. Neither the hirer nor any passengers shall delay or otherwise interrupt the journey in such a way that the driver is at risk of breaching the driver regulations relating to the drivers hours and duty time. If any breach is likely to occur, the hirer will be responsible for any additional costs.

14. All vehicles hired are subject to restrictions on carrying luggage for statutory safety reasons. The driver shall be the sole judge as to whether property is carried. DRIVEU will not accept liability for any damage or loss of property being carried on any vehicle. DRIVEU will not accept liability for any damage or loss of property that is left on any vehicle during or after hire. Any items of found property that have been recovered from a vehicle will be held at our offices. Full cost of collection is the responsibility of the hirer, or individual passenger/s. If the hirer, or passenger wishes to collect the property in person, an appointment with DRIVEU must be made prior to collection and proof of ownership may be required.

15. The hirer/s is/are highly recommended to have adequate travel insurance in the event of cancellation by DRIVEU, so the hirer may claim for any unforeseen expense for losses. The hirer and individual passengers are recommended to obtain insurance for those items where, save for negligence, DRIVEU’s liability is limited (such as delay of luggage).

16. The driver is responsible for the safety of the vehicle. Any passengers whose conduct is in breach of statutory regulations will be removed on the driver's authority. The hirer will be responsible for all damages caused to the vehicle by hirer or passengers during the hire period.

17. Complaints must be made within 7 days of the date of hire, in writing to DRIVEU. DRIVEU only accepts standard postal letters not recorded delivery. The hirer and/or card holder agrees that if there is a dispute regarding a booking, a chargeback request will not be raised through any credit card issuer or bank. The hirer and/or card holder agrees to a fair independent hearing in a County Court if an agreement cannot be made between the hirer and DRIVEU.

18. No bills, posters, or notices, are to be displayed on any vehicle, without prior written consent of DRIVEU's management.

19. Under no circumstances may alcoholic drinks be carried onboard or consumed upon any vehicle without the express permission of DRIVEU in writing.


21. The quotation given is based on operating costs at the date of the quotation. If more than 28 days elapse between the date of the quotation and the date of departure, the company reserves the right to pass on to the hirer any increase in the cost of fuel or any other increased costs resulting from Government action or inflation. DRIVEU reserves the right to charge a valeting charge for any soiling or damage of vehicles made by the hirer/s or their passenger/s. A cleaning or repair charge will be levied in the event of damage to or soiling of the vehicle, repairs will be charged at cost to DRIVEU, a copy of the repair receipt can be provided from the company carrying out the said repairs, the current charge for cleaning and disinfecting a minibus interior is £80.

22. Placing a booking is your FULL acceptance to these terms and conditions. If you do not understand any of these terms, you must contact us with any questions prior to making a booking. 

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English Law – Orders are only accepted in that the Law of England shall apply to the contract arising from such an order, and to the determination of the rights and liabilities of the respective parties and in that no action or other proceedings shall be bought by either party in relation to such contract except in a Court of competent jurisdiction in England.

E. & O.E.


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